Run Java Program in Ubuntu 18.04. The program will be run using Oracle's OpenJDK JDK 8.

  • Check if Java Runtime Environment(JRE) is installed in machine:

    java -version

    If JRE is installed it will show the version information similar to following:

    openjdk 11.0.5 2019-10-15
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.5+10-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.118.04)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.5+10-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.118.04, mixed mode)

    If you do not have installed JRE, install JRE using:

    sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
  • Check if Java compiler is installed in machine:

    javac -version

    If Java compiler is installed it will show the version information similar to following:

    javac 1.8.0_232

    If you do not have installed Java compiler, install it using:

    sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
  • Go to any directory and create a demo Java program. For example, we are going to create as following:

    class Student{
    	public static void main(String[] args){
    		System.out.println("Hello from Student class");
  • Compile the Java class using:

  • Run the compiled program using:

    java Student

    You will see the output like below:

    Hello from Student class

alt Run Java Program in Ubuntu 18.04




Click to select citation style

Shovon, A. R. (2020, January 28). Run Java Program in Ubuntu 18.04. Ahmedur Rahman Shovon. Retrieved June 22, 2024, from

Shovon, Ahmedur Rahman. “Run Java Program in Ubuntu 18.04.” Ahmedur Rahman Shovon, 28 Jan. 2020. Web. 22 Jun. 2024.

@misc{ shovon_2020,
    author = "Shovon, Ahmedur Rahman",
    title = "Run Java Program in Ubuntu 18.04",
    year = "2020",
    url = "",
    note = "[Online; accessed 22-June-2024]"
Run Java Program in Ubuntu 18.04