COVID-19 World Status
Total Cases
Today's cases:
Total Deaths
Today's deaths:
Cases / Million
Deaths / Million:
Total Recovered
Affected Countries:
Active Cases
Critical cases:
Total Tests
Tests per million:
Worldwide COVID-19 Data with Instant Search Option
Flag | Country | Cases | Today Cases | Deaths | Today Deaths | Tests | Active | Recovered | Critical | Cases / Million | Deaths / Million | Tests / Million |
COVID-19 World Map(Total Confirmed Cases)
Mouse over any country to see total confirmed cases and click to see country's details.
COVID-19 World Map(Total Deaths)
Mouse over any country to see total deaths and click to see country's details.
COVID-19 World Map(Total Active)
Mouse over any country to see total active cases and click to see country's details.
COVID-19 World Map(Total Recovered)
Mouse over any country to see total recovered cases and click to see country's details.
Countrywise COVID-19 Status
Select a country to see the current COVID-19 status
Total Cases
Today's cases:
Total Deaths
Today's deaths:
Cases / Million
Deaths / Million:
Total Recovered
Recover rate: %
Active Cases
Critical Cases:
Total Tests
Tests per million:
First Confirmed Case:
First Death Case:
First Vaccination Date:
About C-19 Dashboard
C-19 is a data visualization dashboard to show the current situation of COVID-19 worldwide.
This is an open source project and we will welcome any contributions. Source code URL:
- Summary of worldwide status of COVID-19 specifying number of affected countries, total cases, total deaths and total recovered cases, total tests, total deaths per million, total cases per million, and total tests per million.
- Sortable and instantly searchable data table of all countries.
- World map of confirmed cases and top countries chart with most confirmed cases.
- World map of death cases and top countries chart with most death cases.
- World map of active cases and top countries chart with most active cases.
- World map of recovered cases and top countries chart with most recovered cases.
- View details of a specific country:
- Summary information of the country.
- Line charts for total confirmed cases, total death cases, total recovered cases, total vaccinations of the searched country.
- Bar charts for daily confirmed cases, daily death cases, daily recovered cases, daily vaccinations of the searched country.